Wang Zhenhua


Deputy chief physician, associate professor, master's supervisor, German DAAD scholarship winner, Fujian May 4th medal winner, Quanzhou high-level talents, Quanzhou young top talents.

Main experience:

From 2006 to 2012, he studied at the medical school of Jena Schiller University in Germany for more than 6 years, obtained a doctor's degree, and systematically received the training of German cardiovascular specialists.

He has presided over 7 National Natural Science Fund projects, science fund projects of the Ministry of education, Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund projects, and department level scientific research fund projects.

He is currently the deputy director of the Department of internal medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University and the person in charge of the third district of the Department of Cardiology, the director of the heart failure center, the director of the cardiopulmonary rehabilitation center, the director of the cardiac color ultrasound room, and the Deputy director of the teaching and Research Department of internal medicine.

Deputy editor in chief: 1 academic monograph, 3 participated in editing, 30 published papers, and 13 included in SCL.

Research direction:

He has been engaged in clinical, teaching and scientific research of internal medicine for a long time, and is good at diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, interventional diagnosis and treatment, cardiac rehabilitation and cardiac ultrasound technology.


He was nominated to participate in the 57th Nobel Prize winners Conference; Won the second prize of Fujian Medical Science and Technology Award (the first author);

One first prize (the first author) and one second prize (the first author) of the "five small" Innovation Award for millions of employees in Fujian Province; One third prize (the first author) of Quanzhou Natural Science Award;

One third prize (the first author) of Fujian Natural Science excellent paper; One first prize of Quanzhou Natural Science excellent paper (the first author); 2 third prizes of Fujian Medical Science and Technology Award;

One second prize of Quanzhou Natural Science Award; There were 2 third prizes of Quanzhou science and technology progress award.