DC cells



DC cells are the most powerful antigen-presenting cells that have been found so far. They can phagocytize and process tumor / virus antigens and transmit antigen signals to lymphocytes.

By extracting the patient's own monocytes and inducing them to differentiate into mature DC cells in vitro, and loading specific tumor antigens, they can be infused into the patient's body, which can activate the human immune system, make it more targeted, and play the role of targeted killing of tumor cells. It is one of the more mature tumor biotherapy methods at present.


Indications for DC cell therapy:

Various immunogenic tumors and chronic hematological malignancies;

The tumor was widely metastasized and could not be operated;

Not sensitive or intolerable to radiotherapy and chemotherapy;

The autoimmune function needs to be improved after routine treatment;

Prevent recurrence and metastasis after primary lesion removal (surgery, radiotherapy).