Yan Dazhong


50 years old, doctor and associate professor of biology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Main experience:

In 2016, he visited Cornell University for one year.

Now he is engaged in teaching and scientific research in the school of biological and pharmaceutical engineering of Wuhan University of light industry.

More than 20 articles were published, of which 8 were included in SCI.

Presided over and completed the fund project "construction of thrombolytic active lactic acid bacteria" (q200718003) of Hubei Provincial Department of education, and the general project "study on microbial degradation pathway and mechanism of Cypermethrin" (2008cdb067) of Hubei Provincial Department of science and technology.

Presided over the general program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Research on molecular mechanism of cyclohexylamine degradation by Pseudomonas nyz12" (31270112).

Research direction: molecular biology, gene detection and research and development of enzymes for in vitro detection.