Liu Yanli


At the age of 34, he is a doctor, associate professor, master's supervisor, member of Chinese society of cell biology, and academic and technical leader of Henan Provincial Department of education in 2018.

Main experience:

2017 - now associate professor, stem cell center, national and local joint Engineering Laboratory of stem cells and biotherapy, Xinxiang Medical College, College of life sciences and technology;

From September 2017 to September 2018, he visited the Post Doctoral Research Institute of chemistry and biochemistry at the Free University of Berlin;

2013-2017 lecturer, stem cell center, College of life science and technology, Xinxiang Medical College;

Presided over or participated in 2 National Natural Science and technology fund projects and 1 major science and technology project in Xinxiang, Henan.

Research direction: biological characteristics and clinical application of endometrial stem cells